Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
2060 Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 1477-7827 BioMed Central
132480 Reproductive Biomedicine & Society Online 2405-6618 Elsevier
554412 Reproductive Biomedicine &mathsemicolon Society Online
2061 Reproductive Health 1742-4755 BioMed Central
18570 Reproductive Health Matters 0968-8080 Elsevier
167499 Reproductive Medicine 2673-3897 MDPI
18572 Reproductive Medicine Review 0962-2799 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
18571 Reproductive Medicine and Biology 1445-5781 Springer Verlag
913018 Reproductive Physiology of Fish
18573 Reproductive Sciences 1933-7191 Springer
18574 Reproductive Toxicology 0890-6238 Elsevier
163497 Reproductive Toxicology
24848 Reproductive and Infant Psychology
21383 Reproductive biology 1642-431X
110076 Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 1873-1708
18575 Reproduktionsmedizin 1434-6931 Springer Verlag
105288 Repromag
63901 Repräsentationen französischer und deutscher Spitzenmanager in der Wirtschaftspresse
296267 Représentations : Histoire et discours politique dans l’aire géopolitique anglo-saxonne du XVIIème siècle à nos jours Université de Grenoble
111624 Représentations : la revue électronique du CEMRA 1951-6118 Centre d’Etudes sur les Modes de la Représentation Anglophone
101478 Représentations Systèmes Multi-Machines (SMM) de machines polyphasées
134403 Représentations dans le monde anglophone 2552-1160 LISCA
31072 Représentations de l'environnement et construction des territoires : dialogue des disciplines
35607 Représentations du marché", tenu en septembre 2003 à Grenoble (Association Charles Gide pour l'Histoire de la pensée économique)
34931 Représentations du sens linguistique
25711 Représentations visuelles du corps dans les textes médicaux et taoïstes de la Chine des Song aux Qing (Xe-XIXe siècles) Asian Medicine
134586 Représentations, revue électronique du CEMRA Cemra Grenoble 3
133196 Représentations. La Revue électronique du CEMRA. Numéro Dickensian Landscapes CEMRA
34343 Représenter, Hybrider, Coordonner
118629 Rept.Prog.Phys
969108 Reptiles & Amphibians 2332-4961
405111 Republica
25378 Republican China
104040 Republics of Letters. A Journal for the Study of Knowledge, Politics and the Arts
85289 Republika
99083 Repère Social
480710 Repère biblio - Cahiers ESPI2R
102518 Repères 0993-7625
131472 Repères 1157-285X IREM de Grenoble - Université Grenoble Alpes
686066 Repères Inspé de Nantes
742160 Repères INRP, Ifé
55823 Repères (IREM)
82451 Repères - Irem
42408 Repères : Recherches en didactique du français langue maternelle 0755-7817 ENS Lyon
164590 Repères : recherches en didactique du français langue maternelle 1157-1330 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
858818 Repères Hauts-de-France Agence Hauts-de-France 2020-2040
106387 Repères IREM 1760-6551 IREM
37705 Repères IREM
143975 Repères No2 « La laïcité des repères pour en parler et l’enseigner » ESPE Avadémie de Nantes
156834 Repères Océans (IFREMER)
638295 Repères d’histoire sociale en Midi-Pyrénées IRHS
109589 Repères en gériatrie
82323 Repères et perspectives
912574 Repères n°66
164761 Repères pour l'économie du Languedoc-Roussillon. Synthèse 1286-4218 INSEE Languedoc-Roussillon
32423 Repères pour une histoire de notre village, Le Fresne-Camilly
102010 Repères pédagogiques, revue andragogique marocaine Université Hassan II-Mohammedia / Editions Bouregreg
68068 Repères, Editions TOPIQUES, Nancy
141930 Repères, cahier de danse 2112-5147 Centre de développement chorégraphique du Val-de-Marne
93206 Repères, cahiers de danse
106635 Repères- Dorif : autour du français : langues, cultures et plurilinguisme 2281-3020 Do.Ri.F Università - Roma
162217 Repères-Dorif
81747 Repères-IREM
113836 República de las Letras 1133-2158 Asociación Colegial de Escritores de España
835248 Requests for comments (RFC) 2070-1721
18576 Requirements Engineering 0947-3602 Springer Verlag
113761 Requirements Engineering Magazine
139725 Rercherches Linguistiques de VIncennes
66739 Rervue Internationale d'Intelligence Economique (R2IE) Lavoisier
44467 Res
113312 Res Academica
53379 Res Antiquae 1781-1317 Éditions Safran
75119 Res Antiquae (Bruxelles)
114006 Res Antiquæ
54259 Res Balticae
2062 Res Cogitans : Journal of Philosophy 1603-8509 University of Southern Denmark
8186 Res Gestae 0557-9295 Indiana State Bar Association
123237 Res J Econ
178865 Res Manageria
156972 Res Mediterranea 1273-2141
99796 Res Microbiol
98148 Res Militaris 2265-6294 Res Militaris
52426 Res Orientales
71509 Res Orientales / Groupe pour l'étude de la civilisation du Moyen-Orient
8187 Res Publica 1356-4765 Springer Verlag
118542 Res Publica
164521 Res Publica Litterarum 1828-7824 Casalini
73209 Res Publica. Revista de Filosofia Política
875989 Res Rhetorica 2392-3113
99841 Res Vet Sci
137626 Res antiquitatis 1647-5852 C.H.A.M Universidade dos Açores
110068 Res mobilis. Revista internacional de investigación en mobiliario y objetos decorativos Universidad de Oviedo
74371 Res orientales (Bures-sur-Yvette)
179582 Res publica (Créteil) 1278-6209
150914 Res publica (Liverpool) 1356-4765
114661 Res publica litterarum 1828-7824 Salerno Editrice
67015 Res-Systemica
139109 Res-Systemica 1762-5890 AFSCET
26294 Res-Systemica, European Systems Science Journal
44852 Res. Chem. Intermed
129296 Res. J. Pharm. Bio. Chem. Sci
45532 Res. Microbiol
72922 Res. Popul. Ecol
37550 Res. der Math
118640 Res.Astron.Astrophys
51079 Res.Microbiol
165765 Res.Notes AAS
8185 Res: Anthropology and aesthetics 0277-1322 University of Chicago Press in association with the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University
731187 Res: Anthropology and aesthetics 0277-1322 The University of Chicago Press for the Peabody Museum of Archeology and Ethnology, Harvard University
84780 Resaddersse International
635926 Resaerch Square 2693-5015
155429 Research 2096-5168 American Association for the Advancement of Science, China Association for Science and Technology
474486 Research & Development in Material Science Crimson Publishers
8188 Research & Exploration 1056-800X National Geographic Society
150439 Research & Investigations in Sports Medicine 2577-1914 Crimson
145317 Research & Knowledge
140517 Research & Politics 2053-1680 SAGE Publications
124870 Research & Reviews in BioSciences
94417 Research & Reviews on Electrochemistry
137306 Research & Reviews: Discrete Mathematical Structures 2394-1979 STM Journals
181540 Research & Reviews: Journal of Botanical Sciences 2320-0189 Research & Reviews
181541 Research & Reviews: Journal of Botanical Sciences 2320-0189 Research & Reviews
181554 Research & Reviews: Journal of Botanical Sciences 2320-0189
411145 Research & Reviews: Journal of Botanical Sciences 2320-0189 Research & Reviews
181583 Research & Reviews: Journal of BotanicalSciences 2320-0189 Research & Reviews
181585 Research & Reviews: Journal of BotanicalSciences 2320-0189 Research & Reviews
249966 Research & Reviews: Journal of Chemistry 2319-9849 RROIJ
249968 Research & Reviews: Journal of Chemistry 2319-9849 RROIJ
249976 Research & Reviews: Journal of Chemistry 2319-9849 Research and Reviews
249986 Research & Reviews: Journal of Chemistry 2319-9849 Research & Reviews
249995 Research & Reviews: Journal of Chemistry 2319-9849 Research & Reviews
250018 Research & Reviews: Journal of Chemistry 2319-9849 Research & Reviews
260926 Research & Reviews: Journal of Chremistry 2319-9849 Research & Reviews
481535 Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 2319-9865 Research & Reviews
141533 Research & Reviews: Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2347-2286 Research & Reviews
108822 Research & Reviews: Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences
156591 Research Advances in Agricultural and Food Chemistry
72643 Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management CNRS and Paris Dauphine DRM University
143473 Research Africa Reviews 2575-6990
250221 Research Briefs in Economic Policy Cato Institute
78800 Research Challenges in Information Science
45485 Research Chem. Intermed
21379 Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology 1078-0297 Pjd Publications, Ltd
146264 Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences Brill
23680 Research Developments in Biomechanics
522365 Research Directions: One Health 2752-9460
108473 Research EU- results magazine
819700 Research Ethics 1747-0161 Sage
72950 Research Europe
40364 Research Evaluation 0958-2029 Oxford University Press (OUP)
135040 Research Features
126816 Research Film
175336 Research GAIM
130041 Research Ideas and Outcomes 2367-7163
115034 Research Ideas and Outcomes
84939 Research In Autism Spectrum Disorder
66905 Research Information
82649 Research Institute Promitheas Newsletter
23909 Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
109402 Research Integrity and Peer Review
446036 Research Involvement and Engagement 2056-7529
112118 Research Journal for Creative Cities
168088 Research Journal for Veterinary Practitioners
315590 Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Sciences 2276-8467 Emerging Academy Resources
101804 Research Journal of Agricultural Science 2066-1843 Agroprint
492021 Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 2320-6063 International Science Community Association
821370 Research Journal of Aleppo University For Engineering
773553 Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2040-7459
155289 Research Journal of Biotechnology 0973-6263
120272 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences International Science Community Association
128141 Research Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences 2321-1040 Academy for Environment and Life Sciences
130497 Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 0972-0626 World Research Journals
150894 Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences
167062 Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 2222-2847 IISTE
954957 Research Journal of Food Science and Quality Control (RJFSQC) 2756-5483
2064 Research Journal of International Studies 1453-212X European Journals, Inc
970201 Research Journal of Language, Literature and Humanities
111362 Research Journal of Mathematics and Technology 2163-0380 Radford University
102173 Research Journal of Medicinal Plant 1819-3455 Academic Journals New York
74732 Research Journal of Microbiology
276639 Research Journal of Parasitology 1816-4943
115119 Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 0975-8585 B. M. Vrushabendra Swamy
167347 Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 0974-3618 Indian Journals
90335 Research Journal of Recent Sciences International Science Community Association
179151 Research Journal of Textile and Apparel 1560-6074
44867 Research Journal of Textiles and Apparel
8199 Research Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 1047-7624 Water Pollution Control Federation
166698 Research Journey 2348-7143 Swatidhan International Publication
50145 Research Letters in Materials Science
49501 Research Letters in Signal Processing
18619 Research Methodology in Strategy and Management 1479-8387
41924 Research Notes in Applied Mathematics, Masson-Springer
136898 Research Notes of the AAS 2515-5172 American Astronomical Society
635962 Research Notes of the AAS
180093 Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society
152521 Research Outreach
156303 Research Papers - Finnish Forest Research Institute 0358-4283
48349 Research Papers in Economics,
18622 Research Papers in Education 0267-1522 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
169671 Research Papers of UNWE 2534-8957 Publishing complex - UNWE